R-C Chatter
Your Daily Dose of Comet News
Welcome to the RCHS Chatter. The goal of the Chatter is to report on everything that is happening at Reed-Custer High School.
In the Comet Spotlight
Teachers submit "Golden Referrals" for students who take responsibility, behave positively, help others, or make RCHS a better place.
The "Senior Spotlight" is selected each month by the teachers to recognize an outstanding senior who represents RCHS in a positive light.
"Teacher of the Month" is selected by the students each month to celebrate an inspirational teacher who is influential in and out of the classroom.
Chatter Newscast
Featured YouTube Video
The Chatter Newscast is a weekly video previewing everything that is happening during the upcoming week of school. A newscast typically runs from 5-10 minutes and is published to our YouTube Channel and shared on our social media sites every Sunday evening. In addition to the weekly video, the Chatter provides almost daily news with our social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. So stay in touch with everything going on at RCHS by following our social media sites to get your "daily dose of Comet News":
- Chatter Twitter ➤ https://twitter.com/rchschatter
- Chatter Facebook ➤ https://www.facebook.com/reedcusterchatter/
- Chatter Instagram ➤ https://www.instagram.com/reedcusterchatter/
The Chatter Newscast is a truly collaborative effort. Each week it is made by students in the Multimedia Journalism class with some students volunteering their time who are not enrolled in the class. Additionally, teachers, staff and administrators help out providing all the necessary information we need to create our newscast videos and content used on our social media sites. The Chatter Newscast is edited using iMovie and we use various websites for some of our B-roll and titles such as:
- Canva: https://www.canva.com/
- Mixkit: https://mixkit.co/
- Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/
- Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/
- Videvo: https://www.videvo.net/
Contact Info
Email Jamie Meyr at [email protected] with any questions.